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A Serenity Prayer
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept stupid people the way they are, the courage to maintain my self-control and the wisdom to know that if I act on it, I will go to jail.
I have been saying this everyday so thank-you as it is very helpful as it reminds me that you can't fix stupid but you can regulate your self and have patience..... Even though there's more stupid people then there will ever be Patience
That's the darn truth
Sounds logical to me
That's true about Karma@!!!!!!!!
Please cause I'm not trying to go to jail 😆 GURL
Tis groovy
That is the best version I have ever seen.
Sometimes it's not worth it.
I have been saying this everyday so thank-you as it is very helpful as it reminds me that you can't fix stupid but you can regulate your self and have patience..... Even though there's more stupid people then there will ever be Patience
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