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Children with special needs.
Kids with special needs are not weird or odd. They only want what everyone else wants. To be accepted. Share proudly on your wall to show your support.
I was bullied so bad I couldn't even ride the bus to school. It was arranged that I would ride along with special needs kids my own age. I got to sit in the front seat of the small blue van and always helped these wonderful kids on board. I could finally relax because they are accepted me! This helped shape the person I've become. I did drop out of school after all but got my GED in a Homeless shelter after caring for my mother with dementia. I see the world with a sincere heart now. Just like these wonderful kids!
How about, what do you do or how do you help a special needs adult, who has slipped through the proverbial cracks, and resents help, but clearly needs it?
I teach children with special needs (in an inclusive school) & the most rewarding thing in what I do is seeing them mixing freely & joyfully with other kids, making positive changes in all areas of their development
Yes you are right. But as parents we must love our kids living with disabilities, then the community will complement our love for them. We should be proud of our kids with disabilities because they are an inspiration and a Gift from God. I am proud of my son Pride Mafira, I have become an Athletics coach because of him, he has become the Only Blade Runner who has inspired many even though his talent has been suppressed he has managed to achieve 8Gold medals and silver. So we don't give up because of challenges we face.We are strengthened by the challenges we face. N. G. U. Never Give Up. Love is the best medicine .
Aren't all children unique? Unless you're an identical sibling, you have unique DNA......why are we asked to give special treatment to 'different' people, when in fact the only thing linking EVERYBODY is that we are all different from each other......this post is it's own worst enemy......it's simply propagating the idea that children with 'special needs' (what a fucking stupid expression.....every human on the planet has needs that are special) are fundamentally different and need to be treated differently......all children want is to be treated with equal respect.....singling out one group or another is just another example of the level of discrimination that the system wishes us to believe in.....well I'm not having it
I know someone who has had emotional issues since they were very young. Never had family support. And now as an adult currently can't get any real help. Because of past behavioral issue's with whom Dr.s sovled them through over medicating instead of teaching them the skills needed to cope. Now. Professional's who are supposed to be understanding & so would rather not help at all than find a place where they might still believe in a life still worth it to keep trying,instead pretty much given up on the a person because they're older. Society these days do have given up on those that never had a chance.
Im making over $13k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.last month her pay check was $12712 just working on the laptop for a few hours. This is what I do,
My grandson is a special kid. My son in law and my daughter are fighting with the whole world to make him stronger, happier, healthier and.. adventurous kid in the world. Not only the special Kid needs acceptence in the world but also the whole family needs strength, and courage and patience to face the world. Please don't treat them differently, they are normal like us all. So everyone be happy and make everyone happy.
My daughter is a special child and I feel she has every emotion which a normal child can have for his father. I feel so lucky that God has selected me as a special parent.
The only reaction to this is that ALL children have special needs and should ALL be treated as individuals. As a teacher for most of my life (so far) I have tied to live by that rule. Some children's needs are harder to deal with than others from the frustrated Mensa candidate down to the linguistically challenged paraplegic. We should all at least try to deal with everyone as a unique (and valuable) individual. Jim Saville
Makes me happy to read such beautiful replies. I drive a DD bus 4 days a week.My precious clients are with me for many hours a day and I love each of them. I pick them up at their home take them to the worksite then take them home after work. I can't think of a more rewarding job. These guys are such a Blessing.
I am a proud father of a 21years old daughter born with a condition called Down syndrome, she is really pulling her weight in the area of photography. She has been a source of joy and happiness to me and my family. She taught me three things which no professor has taught me in life and these are:- to be patient, to be tolerant and to give love unconditionally. The love l have for her and in other to help parents of differently abled children who are still in the denial stage of "God why me", made me to go back to the University to read special education (learning disabilities), at both undergraduate and masters levels after 31years of leaving higher institution of learning. My dream is to see her live an independent life.
Please l will suggest that let all parents, guardians and siblings of specially abled children and adults come together under one umbrella and form a group chat like on WhatsApp to share our experience and way forward for our children. My number is +2348023190026
Some of them are weird and/or odd though. This whole movement is misguided. There IS such a thing as normal, and no matter how much parents and teachers try to pretend there isn't, it exists, the other kids know it exists, and they know when a kid doesn't fit the bill. The message we send to children is that being abnormal, odd, strange, weird, whatever you want to call it, is fine. Someone who can run a 4 minute mile is abnormal, someone who can perfectly freehand a classic painting from memory are weird, people who can calculate a 7 digit multiplication problem on the spot without a calculator or pencil/paper are weird... you get the point. Pushing this idea that differences don't exist just reinforces the idea that differences are bad, and if pretending that actually made the differences go away, that would be one thing, but it obviously doesn't. Stop telling kids they aren't weird. Start telling them that it isn't a bad thing.
Hi I'm Brett Skee Whoo's that's my nickname any hows I have a disability I was developed with meningitis as a baby at 8 weeks old left me restricted down the right side of my body with left eye impairment 1 of my great enjoyments is riding my pushbike and also learned how to wheelie a mountain bike I just want to get noticed I'm real good at wheelies I wheelied 2 and a half miles once but I only got a mile and a half on video. I would love to go viral many thanks if your reading this thank you thank you :)
My 2 daughters were children with special needs. Sometimes they may have seemed a bit odd to others. But I thought and still do think they are great! My "girls" are now in their 40's and leading productive and happy lives. I am so proud of them.
They are not disabled. They are created perfectly by Heavenly Father to complete their mission in this life. They are all Celestial beings who agreed to be TESTERS for the rest of us to grow in godly characteristics and we will all be judged for how we treat them. God allows abuse so that his judgments will be fair in the end and the Grace of Christ will heal all who seek it. Those who have chosen to be testers receive help from heaven in this life and crowns of glory in the life to come. It is everyone's job to pray for the Grace of Christ to heal us of our selfishness and unkindness.
Soft or Strong, I don't know but Blessed as Almighty blessed me a Down Syndrome Daughter now 34 and last 25 years worked with Parents of IDs , than Crossed Disability of North India, today my vision and work path is listen then and help them, support them, fight for there issues and that's my life.....
I've f special needs I don't know what I become living in care my whole life abused as a child by my dad who hit my head off the celling as a childish prank to tell me he was pleased to see me. He was ex army ex police and an Alcholic I find out probably at 6, Christ was I shocked.I passed out a few times crying he made out it was an accident and would laugh if I stated to cry, I guess it was friendly fire the troops that come back from war sometimes sleep outside the fortress to avoid air strikes, he was ww2. Still have a site of a mess he created here as Janet and I'm still not able to retain anything and would be considered insane.
I used to be the chief steward for a union at a VA hospital where they got money and recognition for hiring the disabled, mostly high functioning Downs. They worked many times harder than none disabled. Whatever humanity one gave these people they would return many times over. If they were told to sit in the break room until their shift was over they would possibly grab a handful of paper towels and clean the walls voluntarily. One reasoned to me that she was paid to work 8 hours so she wasn’t going to sit for 20 minutes as she was told to do. Amazing people.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 231 of 231I was bullied so bad I couldn't even ride the bus to school. It was arranged that I would ride along with special needs kids my own age. I got to sit in the front seat of the small blue van and always helped these wonderful kids on board. I could finally relax because they are accepted me! This helped shape the person I've become. I did drop out of school after all but got my GED in a Homeless shelter after caring for my mother with dementia. I see the world with a sincere heart now. Just like these wonderful kids!
Kids are beautiful however they are so treat them beautifully
How about, what do you do or how do you help a special needs adult, who has slipped through the proverbial cracks, and resents help, but clearly needs it?
I teach children with special needs (in an inclusive school) & the most rewarding thing in what I do is seeing them mixing freely & joyfully with other kids, making positive changes in all areas of their development
I think that statement should be "People with special needs....), after all - kids grow up to be adults. Thanks ��
Yes you are right. But as parents we must love our kids living with disabilities, then the community will complement our love for them. We should be proud of our kids with disabilities because they are an inspiration and a Gift from God. I am proud of my son Pride Mafira, I have become an Athletics coach because of him, he has become the Only Blade Runner who has inspired many even though his talent has been suppressed he has managed to achieve 8Gold medals and silver. So we don't give up because of challenges we face.We are strengthened by the challenges we face. N. G. U. Never Give Up. Love is the best medicine .
Aren't all children unique? Unless you're an identical sibling, you have unique DNA......why are we asked to give special treatment to 'different' people, when in fact the only thing linking EVERYBODY is that we are all different from each other......this post is it's own worst enemy......it's simply propagating the idea that children with 'special needs' (what a fucking stupid expression.....every human on the planet has needs that are special) are fundamentally different and need to be treated differently......all children want is to be treated with equal respect.....singling out one group or another is just another example of the level of discrimination that the system wishes us to believe in.....well I'm not having it
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I know someone who has had emotional issues since they were very young. Never had family support. And now as an adult currently can't get any real help. Because of past behavioral issue's with whom Dr.s sovled them through over medicating instead of teaching them the skills needed to cope. Now. Professional's who are supposed to be understanding & so would rather not help at all than find a place where they might still believe in a life still worth it to keep trying,instead pretty much given up on the a person because they're older. Society these days do have given up on those that never had a chance.
Never loan our your. Children
Im making over $13k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.last month her pay check was $12712 just working on the laptop for a few hours. This is what I do,
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My grandson is a special kid. My son in law and my daughter are fighting with the whole world to make him stronger, happier, healthier and.. adventurous kid in the world. Not only the special Kid needs acceptence in the world but also the whole family needs strength, and courage and patience to face the world. Please don't treat them differently, they are normal like us all. So everyone be happy and make everyone happy.
I am a special need adult. Thank you want to help us. Your guys are awesome.
My daughter is a special child and I feel she has every emotion which a normal child can have for his father. I feel so lucky that God has selected me as a special parent.
The only reaction to this is that ALL children have special needs and should ALL be treated as individuals.
As a teacher for most of my life (so far) I have tied to live by that rule. Some children's needs are harder to deal with than others from the frustrated Mensa candidate down to the linguistically challenged paraplegic. We should all at least try to deal with everyone as a unique (and valuable) individual. Jim Saville
Makes me happy to read such beautiful replies. I drive a DD bus 4 days a week.My precious clients are with me for many hours a day and I love each of them. I pick them up at their home take them to the worksite then take them home after work. I can't think of a more rewarding job. These guys are such a Blessing.
Every child is unique in their own way.. Love them all..
Only people who have special kids can understand the pain the parents undergo with their children
they don't need sympathy but love and encouragement. am happy to be a mother of two deaf and dump kids
We are all children of God ����
I am a proud father of a 21years old daughter born with a condition called Down syndrome, she is really pulling her weight in the area of photography. She has been a source of joy and happiness to me and my family. She taught me three things which no professor has taught me in life and these are:- to be patient, to be tolerant and to give love unconditionally. The love l have for her and in other to help parents of differently abled children who are still in the denial stage of "God why me", made me to go back to the University to read special education (learning disabilities), at both undergraduate and masters levels after 31years of leaving higher institution of learning. My dream is to see her live an independent life.
Please l will suggest that let all parents, guardians and siblings of specially abled children and adults come together under one umbrella and form a group chat like on WhatsApp to share our experience and way forward for our children. My number is +2348023190026
Some of them are weird and/or odd though. This whole movement is misguided. There IS such a thing as normal, and no matter how much parents and teachers try to pretend there isn't, it exists, the other kids know it exists, and they know when a kid doesn't fit the bill. The message we send to children is that being abnormal, odd, strange, weird, whatever you want to call it, is fine. Someone who can run a 4 minute mile is abnormal, someone who can perfectly freehand a classic painting from memory are weird, people who can calculate a 7 digit multiplication problem on the spot without a calculator or pencil/paper are weird... you get the point. Pushing this idea that differences don't exist just reinforces the idea that differences are bad, and if pretending that actually made the differences go away, that would be one thing, but it obviously doesn't. Stop telling kids they aren't weird. Start telling them that it isn't a bad thing.
Hi I'm Brett Skee Whoo's that's my nickname any hows I have a disability I was developed with meningitis as a baby at 8 weeks old left me restricted down the right side of my body with left eye impairment 1 of my great enjoyments is riding my pushbike and also learned how to wheelie a mountain bike I just want to get noticed I'm real good at wheelies I wheelied 2 and a half miles once but I only got a mile and a half on video. I would love to go viral many thanks if your reading this thank you thank you :)
My 2 daughters were children with special needs. Sometimes they may have seemed a bit odd to others. But I thought and still do think they are great! My "girls" are now in their 40's and leading productive and happy lives. I am so proud of them.
They are not disabled. They are created perfectly by Heavenly Father to complete their mission in this life. They are all Celestial beings who agreed to be TESTERS for the rest of us to grow in godly characteristics and we will all be judged for how we treat them. God allows abuse so that his judgments will be fair in the end and the Grace of Christ will heal all who seek it. Those who have chosen to be testers receive help from heaven in this life and crowns of glory in the life to come. It is everyone's job to pray for the Grace of Christ to heal us of our selfishness and unkindness.
Soft or Strong, I don't know but Blessed as Almighty blessed me a Down Syndrome Daughter now 34 and last 25 years worked with Parents of IDs , than Crossed Disability of North India, today my vision and work path is listen then and help them, support them, fight for there issues and that's my life.....
I've f special needs I don't know what I become living in care my whole life abused as a child by my dad who hit my head off the celling as a childish prank to tell me he was pleased to see me. He was ex army ex police and an Alcholic I find out probably at 6, Christ was I shocked.I passed out a few times crying he made out it was an accident and would laugh if I stated to cry, I guess it was friendly fire the troops that come back from war sometimes sleep outside the fortress to avoid air strikes, he was ww2. Still have a site of a mess he created here as Janet and I'm still not able to retain anything and would be considered insane.
pls make a connection with Joan T. Randall. She owns a Publication co. and she is on facebook. Blessings!!
I used to be the chief steward for a union at a VA hospital where they got money and recognition for hiring the disabled, mostly high functioning Downs. They worked many times harder than none disabled. Whatever humanity one gave these people they would return many times over. If they were told to sit in the break room until their shift was over they would possibly grab a handful of paper towels and clean the walls voluntarily. One reasoned to me that she was paid to work 8 hours so she wasn’t going to sit for 20 minutes as she was told to do. Amazing people.
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